
cover art for Podcast 19: How Intentionality Sparks Good Delegation and How to Avoid the Monkey

Serious Soft Skills

Podcast 19: How Intentionality Sparks Good Delegation and How to Avoid the Monkey

Delegation, one of the 55 soft skills, helps determine which human resources to delegate to specific tasks to ensure organizational effectiveness.
In this episode, the hosts, Dr. Tobin Porterfield and Bob Graham, discuss:

What delegation is
The intentionality of delegation
How return on assets (ROA) plays into deciding when to delegate
How delegation can build a better, deeper team
When delegation becomes shirking and avoiding the Tom Sawyer approach
How to know when good delegation is occurring
What managers should always be asking themselves
How an article from the Harvard Business Review written in 1974 explains good and bad delegation ( )
Why poor delegation is actually worse than no delegation at all
* The key to ensuring that delegation works well and builds organizations
* What the closed loop is and how it helps ensure effective delegation

Next week
We’ll discuss being persuasive, why it makes the list of soft skills and how it plays out in the workplace.
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